At Claire Hodge Voice Studio, the goal is to facilitate practices

which will enable you to find your authentic “sing.cere” voice to sing

with freedom, ease, expression, power and beauty.



Identify your stuck patterns and habits and begin to make positive changes.


choral clinics

Claire brings over 30 years of experience as conductor, singer and clinician to your ensemble.



Learn to identify holding patterns and begin to breathe more efficiently.

Banner: Orlando Deanery Girls Choir photo by Chris Gent; Lessons: Sierra Jobman in Green Eggs & Ham by Robert Kapilow with Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, Eric Jacobsen, Conductor; Choral: Orlando Deanery Girls Choir in the Cloister of Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, England, photo by Chris Gent; Workshops: Rollins Summer Music Academy photo by Michelle Maillot.