
Often our breathing is compromised for any number of reasons. Any kind of stressful situation, whether an upcoming concert, a recent surgery, or perhaps a worldwide Pandemic can manifest a lack of efficient breath management. We sustain sound ON the breath, whether speaking or singing. Therefore, if the breath is locked up, the sound is likewise locked up. Learn how to identify where you get stuck and how to work through it to find your way back to ease and resonance.


Whenever a major life event occurs in our lives, frequently the first reaction is a vocal one! We yell, we sing, we cry out, we shout for joy. When the voice isn’t working properly, our communication is adversely affected. Working hand in hand with the breath, the voice needs gentle care in order to repair. Many vocal problems can be corrected without surgery. Time and patience will bring functionality back to your voice, and slowly you will build new habits, bringing back the joy of singing!


Alignment is the culprit to most problems. Learn how to “listen” to your body to identify holding patterns, and learn new tools to help regain proper alignment. The result will allow you to move through your day with ease and freedom and restore you to optimal functionality.