Body Dialogue

The key to freedom

Developed by Janice Stieber Rous, Body Dialogue is a practice of present moment awareness that enables a person to recognize their patterns, both physical and emotional, and allows one to shift into a more integrated and aware state of being. Claire uses Body Dialogue to teach healthy vocal practices drawing from the principles of the Alexander Technique and the Breathing Coordination of Carl Stough. Body Dialogue enables us to focus our attention on breath which becomes sound which becomes voice. Using Body Dialogue, students learn to open the spine and stabilize the structure allowing you to activate passageways for a more optimal flow of air and functionality. Generally, we stabilize in the wrong places. Body Dialogue helps individuals to “listen” to their body for restriction of flow, think about release and allow ease of movement. When all these practices come together, we have a free, open, vibrant, resonant voice. A person with a resonant and sonorous voice is someone you invite in. As the listener, you feel invited. As the singer you feel received….a dialogue is created.